SuperImager Plus 8″ T3/T4 4 SAS/SATA Portable Forensic unit

CPU – i7
4 SAS/SATA ports 
e-SATA generic port
8 USB3.2 ports 
TB3/4 port 
NVMe port (U.2/M.2 on the TB Expansion Box)
Network – 1GbE
Expansion – Included TB3 to PCIe box with U.2/M.2 NVMe
Optional Expansion – Options: 4 extra SAS ports, SCSI port, FC 2 ports, 10GbE port
Main Purpose of Use- mostly for SAS/SATA support

Dual Open OS Ubuntu/Win10

Forensic Imaging unit and Digital Forensic lab on the go, from multiple imaging to full analysis

Weight 25 kg
Dimensions 15 × 15 × 15 cm